One of the common concerns of alcohol or substance abuse treatment is the potential chance of relapse. There is always a risk of relapse of addiction even after completing an anti-addiction treatment at a rehab facility. Many people find it challenging to stay away from their addictive habits and the pleasure they derive from them for a long time. Thus, addictive traits start to re-emerge gradually and become unmanageable when intensified. It is important to recognize the early signs of relapse of addiction to take the necessary steps. 

The following section of the blog will explore some of the early signs of relapse so that you can act promptly to prevent the intensification of such traits.

Early Signs of Relapse of Addiction

An addiction relapse can be triggered by a multitude of life experiences. Understanding the early tendencies of addiction relapse is crucial to prevent the rapid progression of the disease. Here are some early signs of relapse.

1. Stressful Life Events 

One of the main reasons to start addiction is life stress. Getting involved in addiction is a common coping mechanism for life challenges. As a result, even after going through professional rehab treatment, stress can instigate you to resume your alcohol addiction.  In times of stress, you might contemplate having a beer, taking drugs for a distraction, or deriving pleasure for the time being. Thus, it is extremely difficult to control yourself and refrain from alcohol and drugs during such events. 

For instance, joining a new job can be challenging even if it is a positive life event. It requires you to come out of your comfort zone and take up new challenges. At such a vulnerable moment it is a common tendency to get back to addictive practices. Thus, it is recommended that you try to find alternative ways to cope with difficult situations or take recourse to qualified drug and alcohol counseling near you.   

2. Neglecting Recovery Guidelines 

The recovery treatment process involves various mental and behavioral practices that need to be practiced for life. Addiction recovery involves healthy habits such as refraining from daily drinking and drugs. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and channeling addictive tendencies to constructive coping mechanisms is also vital. These practices must be continued for life to avoid relapse of addiction.

However, due to excessive work pressure or stressful life events, people tend to reprioritize such practices. For instance, you may resume alcoholism to keep up with work pressure. Thus, it is important to continue the treatment guidelines to achieve lifelong protection from addictive tendencies.

3. Choosing Unhealthy Substitute

You might have given up your old addictive habits such as alcoholism and drug abuse. However, one common tendency is to replace an old addiction with a new one. For instance, excessive gambling can be an alternative addiction to alcoholism. Thus, relapse can be of different forms and can be misunderstood. It is important to notice whether you are getting obsessed with any habits or not. It can be a sign of relapse. 

4.  Treating Yourself

In a good phase of your life, you might tend to treat yourself with a beer and this can develop into a habit. For instance, in good times when you want to celebrate your success in achieving new professional heights you might indulge yourself in a drink. A series of happy life events can transform you from a social drinker to a daily one. This occasional drinking can also transform into a daily habit and thus, is a good indicator of a relapse. 

5. Harmful Association and Tendencies

Unhealthy social associations can force you to resume your addiction. For instance, you have a friend circle where every member is into drinking and encourages you to do the same. It is extremely difficult to avoid such encouragement and to stick to your anti-addictive practices. 

On the other hand, people who tend to isolate themselves are more inclined towards starting their addiction over again. Loneliness causes depression and anxiety. Resuming addiction is a common practice for isolated individuals. Thus, it is highly recommended that you develop a healthy association and be around people who are non-drinkers. 


Relapse of addiction can be triggered by both positive and negative life events. It is important to notice the signs of relapse as discussed in the blog. You should seek a positive alternative if you feel the urge to resume your addiction. Seeking rehabilitation helps prevent alcoholism relapse.

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