People facing baldness due to rapid hair fall may consider hair transplant a boon. The procedure is surgical and costly, though the result often turns out satisfactory. You will see new hair growth from the bald scalp patches after 90 to 100 days (three months approximately). Despite its advantage, hair transplant has one prominent drawback, which is leaving behind a scar on the scalp. So, is a hair transplant scar temporary or permanent? What are the best solutions to deal with such scalp scars? The following section of this article will provide a detailed insight in this regard.

What Is a Hair Transplant Scar?

Typically, you will find two types of hair transplant techniques: FUT and FUE. Both these hair transplant techniques use different forms of scarring on the scalp. A hair transplant surgeon analyzes the possibility of scarring and recommends one of these hair transplant techniques. So, finding a good hair transplant expert can help minimize the scarring on your scalp.

Unfortunately, the scars on your scalp due to incisions or micro-puncturing is permanent. Hair growth may hide those scars to some extent. However, hair regeneration happens after three months of the procedure. Nevertheless, hair growth takes a few more months to hide those scars on your scalp. Therefore, you need a quick and meticulous solution to camouflage scalp scars after hair transplant.

So, what is the best solution to hide scalp scars after a hair transplant? Hair simulation is an excellent solution to hide hair transplant scars. Nevertheless, there are many other ways of hiding the scarring.

Types of Hair Transplant Scarring

Scarring due to hair transplant depends on the technique implemented to accomplish the treatment. Find details in different hair transplant scars below.

  • FUT scar: A section of skin with hair follicles has been extracted from the backside of your scalp during FUT hair transplant. Scarring happens since the skin with hair follicles have been removed. You need to wait for 6-7 months or more to allow surrounding hair to grow and hide the scar. However, the scar remains visible on a few occasions due to minimal hair growth on the surrounding regions.
  • FUE Scar: FUE is a minimally invasive procedure when compared with FUT hair transplant. Despite being a minimally invasive procedure, it can develop more prominent scars than FUT. Instead of one prominent scar, FUE scarring occurs in multiple tiny round shapes. Therefore, it becomes challenging to hide such scars. Undergoing a scalp scar camouflage treatment can help hide these scars.

Scalp Scar Removal Solutions

Though a hair transplant scar is permanent, some treatments can remove the scars permanently. People feel bad about their appearance immediately after hair transplant due to these scars. Therefore, undergoing a treatment to remove the scars is a priority for many of us. In the following section, find a guide to the proven scalp scar removal techniques at a glance.

  • LASER Treatment: The LASER treatment has been applied to stimulate collagen production under skin layers. An increased collagen production enhances skin elasticity, which eventually helps in hair growth from the scars. Though it sounds simple, the treatment can be complex since one may need to undergo it multiple times. Moreover, the LASER treatment will not fetch the best result to camouflage the hair transplant scarring.
  • Scar Correction Surgery: The scar correction surgery intends to minimize the scar visibility on your scalp. It can reduce the scars efficiently, though the treatment may not resolve the complete scar. Moreover, it is recommended to the people with FUT scar. Resolving the FUE scars through hair transplant surgery can be complex.
  • Scalp Micropigmentation: Also called as scar camouflage tattooing and hair simulation, the scalp micropigmentation is the best non-medical treatment for scalp scar removal. The procedure is painless and more affordable than the solutions mentioned above. The result is semi-permanent, as the pigment implants on your scalp scars will last for five to seven years.

Bottom Line

So, these are the things that you should know about hair transplant scar and the solutions. Among various solutions, hair tattoo is the best option for those, who want an instant and non-surgical solution to get rid of hair transplant scars.

Keep in mind that hair tattoo or hairline tattoo is not a procedure to promote hair regeneration on the scars. A skilled scalp tattooing expert will use a professional device to implant tiny pigments which look like the original hair follicles. So, contact a scalp micropigmentation expert near you after undergoing the hair transplant to camouflage the hair transplant scars through implanting micro-pigments on the scars.

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