Alopecia is an immune system disorder that leads to rapid hair fall in a short period. Usually, the patients start losing their head and facial hair due to this disorder. However, some people also experience hair loss from other body parts due to alopecia. Before moving forward with the alopecia solutions, it needs to be clarified that the disease does not have a medical cure. However, dermatologists may prescribe certain treatments to grow hair quickly on the exposed scalp areas.

The Common Alopecia Solutions and Their Risks

A person suffering from alopecia may find the following solutions if he visits a professional dermatology clinic.

  • Topical Immunotherapy: This treatment applies chemical solutions on the scalp to develop an allergic reaction, which stimulates the immune system and helps in hair growth. The chemicals may leave severe side effects on the scalp. You may not observe any new hair growth in case of severe scalp damage.
  • Topical Minoxidil: Minoxidil is a topical treatment that intends hair growth from the follicles, which are not under immune attack anymore. The treatment is hassle-free, though it lacks effectiveness. Many patients do not observe any significant results after undergoing the treatment.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: Corticosteroid injections can modulate immune system activity and reduce inflammation. People may experience new hair growth after four weeks of this treatment. However, the medicine may leave a side effect on your scalp, resulting in skin thinning.

Why Is SMP a Better Alternative?

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) has emerged as an excellent alternative to common alopecia treatments. SMP is beneficial over the other treatments for the following reasons.

  • No Surgery – No Side Effects: The biggest benefit of SMP is no side effects on your scalp. The process involves implementing tiny pigment drops on the scalp. The pigment drops mimic the original hair follicles to hide bald patches on your head. A certified professional will use an SMP device equipped with tattoo needles to apply the pigment drops.
  • Assured and Customized Result: The common alopecia treatments often do not provide the desired result to the patients. In contrast, scalp micropigmentation treatment can render an assured and customized result. The SMP experts in Atlanta will discuss the hair look and style you wish to obtain before the treatment and deliver the result matching your anticipation.
  • Get an Instant Result: SMP provides an instant result, and the process typically takes 2-4 hours to complete depending on the scalp areas to be covered. The result is long-lasting, as the pigments tattooed on the scalp fade slowly. Overall, the result may last two to five years. Therefore, people suffering from alopecia can try this to hide baldness and thinning hair.
  • Minimal Maintenance Hassles: The scalp micropigmentation treatment features minimal maintenance hassles. The SMP professional will guide you on post-procedure care. Following those instructions carefully will help you retain the pigmentation dots on your scalp and flaunt a fuller hair appearance for a long time.

So, these are the benefits of scalp micropigmentation (SMP) over regular dermatological treatments for alopecia. Losing hair quickly and getting bald can be mentally challenging, as the conditions may lead to a lack of self-confidence. Improve your confidence and stay beautiful with the scalp micropigmentation solution from the best SMP artist in Atlanta.

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